Using Web3 to advance social justice.

What we do

BLCKWRK is an experiment where we explore ways to solve social justice issues through Web3 technologies. By promoting, creating and funding Web3 tech, we aim to learn and steer this initiative into a movement that uses Web3 to concretely address certain social justice issues like food insecurity and hunger, child abuse, racial and gender discrimination etc.


We promote Web3 initiatives (especially NFTs) that we believe have the potential to change lives.


We explore and find new ways to grow the Web3 ecosystem, so that more people can benefit from it in a safe and sustainable way.


We create our own initiatives, in order to help support our mission.


We fund Web3 tech, including but not limited to NFTs that tackle social justice issues.


Our mission is to confront and overcome social injustice through creating, promoting and funding Web3 initiatives.



Our core values are not who we want to be, but rather who we already are, and who we want to continue being as people and as an organisation.

Tell the truth

We believe it's pivotal to tell the truth, even if it hurts. Transparency must be ingrained in the way we operate and interact with each other and our community.

Keep accountability

Keep ourselves and each other accountable to our mission and values, so as to continuously measure our day-to-day activities against our purpose for existing.

Think different

Look at problems from a different angle, and encourage and commend ideas that are both creative and unusual and that are not limited by rules or tradition.